• Un vrai semblant

    Music: Un Vrai Semblant
    Starring: Mecydyfis
    Images: netosen.com
  • Thaw

    Made by handmade camera obscura shot for great THAW music band www.thawnoise.com
  • Polish Owls

    Music – Michał Szturomski facebook.com/SOWADRONE
    Photos & edit: netosen
    Concept cooperation: Anna Falacińska

    Texts: Sławomir Rubacha, Sławomir Niedźwiecki
    Speaker: Piotr Bujno Localization: Ojcow National Park
  • Forest Border

    Forest feels the emptiness of this house and tries to come closer and sends young deer
    to nibble delicate branches of the apple trees and is observing, growing and coming
    as a fox to the barns made out of heavy logs, "you have to know that we and the forest have
    unfinished fears and misty stories, they must be told
    that is where come from these constant walks and listening out, picking up acorns
    rubbing bourtree into the body, drying mushrooms

    // from volume „Forest Border” Małgorzata Lebda (WBPiCAK, Poznan, 2013)
  • Lidia Sajdak

    Lidia Sajdak aka liil -  a conceptual artist, a wingy soul in persuit of beauty. Fascinated by aesthetics of Japanese artists loves using mixed media technique. She has an Icelandic landscape in her heart feeling the constant clash of ice and fire. Cristobal Balenciaga, representing great precision and quality, and Alexander McQueen with his unusual ability to create new worlds, are designers she's most drawn to. In her process of designing she loves travelling both forwards and backwards so in some of her creations you can find elements of ancient cultures and ultramodern ones in others. Photos of her designs have been presented in many fashion and art magazines and have been used in video clips and theatre.
  • Agnieszka Osipa

    Photographic cooperation with great costume and stage costume designer - Facebook